Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chinese Newness!

Chinese New Year has begun!

What's goin' on phenomenal ones! Well... It's now a couple weeks into the Chinese New Year, and this year is the RABBIT! This year is very calm & relaxed compared to last (Thank Heavenly God)... Money will flow very easy, and should be a real blessing...

I actually was extremely excited to bring in the official New Year. I was productive in thorough cleaning (although the crib is ALWAYS immaculate), as well as partaking in traditions. Being one who's extremely Spiritual, and understands the universe, it's a very exciting time!

On a personal and business level for myself... I have new companies I am venturing in, as well as finishing up my current projects - my album "LOVE CHYLDE", my clothing line, and modeling, and of course being a great Mother 1st and foremost. My son is a HIP HOP savant, I kid you not! He has started making beats, and I am beyond impressed by my child... It runs in the bloodstream, passed from generation 2 generation! ;0)

A word of advice... Definitely research your Chinese sign & earth element, and combine that with one's western horoscope! It helps in romance, business, family, etc. You can tell a LOT by the combination. It's really amazing...

Peace & Blessings